Have you ever wondered how World of Warcraft players get so easy to level up. In here we present the most ultimate guide for World Of Warcraft gamers to faster level up. So, here i post leveling guide for alliance, horde, some of the classes, priest, warlocks, rogue, paladin, shaman and for profession too. i hope this guide can help you in your game. enjoy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

WOW Lethals Pocket Guide to Efficient Leveling

Leveling a new race or a faction you have no experience
with can be a little tricky; but they all have one thing in common:
Quests, yes Quests not Monsters. The time it takes to level depends
on how efficiently and how quick you finish the Quests. Here are
some tips if you just started out; the are Alliance and Horde compat:

1. Always start with the beginning quests because they are probably
chain quests that yield armour/weapons that can help you out.

2. Next, get surrounding quests that lead to the same area or near it,
its normally not a good idea to run back and forth until you complete
quests that finish in the same area anyway.

3. If you get really far away from the starting area or inn near the
area, just hearth back. Don’t do this if you know you are going back
just walk back; especially if the quests are along the way to turn in.

4. If you bag gets full of junk items and you cant get quest items
because of that, just trash the junk items; remember you want to level,
you always have time at level 60 to make money.

5. Do not group into parties or raids unless it is an instance that
requires it (or an outdoor boss like Hogger and such) because it
decreases your XP rate per-hour.

6. If you need help; ask for it on General Chat only, chances are some-
one else is probably doing that quest to or some are helping low-levels.

7. Don’t screw around; PvP Raids, Battlegrounds, Auction House.
Unless, your quest or stuff like that demand it then do so.

8. Do not work on professions, it drains your money, your time for
leveling; so unless you want to have 3-10 hours added to your leveling
time go ahead and do so. There are no required quests that demand a
profession, there are only optional ones.

9. Do not Idle, if you want to go AFK log-out to the character select
screen, so you save time when you /played in chat.
10. Lastly for the Basics, Do not do quests that require you to go to
another area far away until you’ve completed all the quests in the
surrounding area, that way it saves time and the frustration to you.
[2] Advanced Techniques

There are techniques out there that the pros don’t want you
to know; I say screw them, this is an MMO not a FPS game. Heres
some advanced techniques that will blow your socks off, some are
just so simple yet have a drastic effect.

1. Ask your guild to help; its simple, you aggro, hit them once or
more, they AoE; if they are a priest have them heal you. This works
best with a massive amount of greens or yellow mobs. Elite’s work
to, just tone it down a bit or you may die.

2. Your Class/Race combo will depend on how fast you level, that’s
right ! If you choose a race that’s meant for magic, but pair it with
melee, you will find yourself having a harder time than those who chose
a Race that’s meant for Melee. Check my guide at this URL for pairing:

3. Does your gear really matter in leveling? well check out the Myths
part of this guide to find out if that’s true or not.

4. Leveling fast means being on a lot; have a friend you really trust
that plays the game play when your not online. I have a person on Xfire
who lives in the UK who’s playing on my account when I’m offline
because of our time-zone differences; it’s night over there when its day
here. * I am not responsible if you get your account stolen, neither is nor *

5. Does Horde or Alliance level faster? Well, simply put; go to the
myths section to find out the answer to this age-old question.
[3] Myths Exposed

Here I exposed Myths that are either misunderstood game-
facts or just simply stupid. I am here to bust them with my Hammer
of Justice (not the Flying Dildo of Wrath). Its either Busted, or Real;
theres no Plausible like MythBusters (I think they should host a WoW
edition of it though).

1. Does Horde or Alliance level faster?
Simply put; Neither, they are exactly the same. WTF? , You say?
Well, Alliance quests and Mobs are so close together (and considering
that most Alliance are nubs) people think they are accomplishing the
quests faster. That’s false and I’ll tell you why, when things are closer
together you feel more relaxed and easy-going which to the Human
brain means time seems to be passing by faster. Well, when it comes to
Horde quests, omfg, they are all spread out and you start to panic a bit,
about if you are going to finish the quest before you log off or if you
level up before you do so. This releases a chemical by the name of:
neurogenesis, which leads to stress, this makes you feel as though its
taking forever to get something done (as I’m feeling writing this), but
its exactly the same time played as both; people say this because they
are either new to the faction or are not efficient at leveling that race.
With, that said; I hear by declare this Myth; BUSTED!

2. Does gear matter when leveling ?
Well, after playing a level 60 in each class, except Paladin; I have to say
maybe. Why? because it depends on your class; if you want to level fast
as a melee player you must have decent to OK gear to do so. Theres a
level of tolerance with gear; You can’t be a level 60 using level 12 gear
because it just won’t work * amazing how you go to 60 *, but if you a
60 using 40-50 gear that totally expectable to get there. I remember I
was a level 40 using level 30 gear because I was getting my mount, or
I wanted to level fast so I could raid with my guild, and was a level 56
using a level 45 sword and level 35-48 gear. It all depends on how fast
you want to level. Because of that; this is a guide to leveling fast so;
this Myth is; BUSTED!

Have any more Myths or such that you want busted ? email it
to me at : (please no spamming, thanks )
[4] Hints

Here are some hints for you to get maximum performance out
of your computer and our leveling experience, have fun and post things
that you want added or email me at :

1. Install Addons that are specific to the class you want to level, this
makes it easier for you to have a handled grip over your classes full
potential, while saving you the time of configuring your Addons with a
generic Addon.

2. For best frame-rates turn down Anti-Aliasing or turn down Texture
details; do not turn down World Detail because that decreases how far
you can see; in extreme cases set the game to Window Mode through the
Video Options.

3. Set your Talent specs for PvE, publicly called Grinding. This will
help you efficiently cut through any mobs in your way. Go to this URL:
Select your class and have fun

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